The genus name comes from Greek meaning "beautiful for a day" referring to the fact that the blooms only last one day (thus the common name). I‘ve heard many times that the buds and flowers of daylilies are sweet and edible but I‘ve never had the courage to sample one. If anyone out there has eaten a daylily, please let me know what it was like.

This very popular variety of daylily is a nice compact dwarf and has a longer bloom period than most daylilies. Besides that, this is definitely one of the hardiest plants I have encountered. It tolerates salt, doesn‘t seem phased by subzero winters, survives droughts, blooms best in full sun but manages to squeeze out a couple of flowers in shade, isn‘t bothered by any pests, and LOVES to be dug up and divided. If you can‘t grow plants, you CAN grow this one.